Rotary Tools

Offering quick delivery on drilling rig slips

Rotary Tools

Type “C” Air Over Hydraulic

Texas International Oilfield Tools (TIOT) offers safety clamps for tubing (T) and casing (C). Multipurpose (MP) safety clamps are adjustable to a variety of tubular.

UC3 Casing Slip

Most casing strings' weight and the relatively thin pipe wall make it important that the supporting slips provide full circumferential grip.

CMS-XL Casing Slip

CMS-XL slips are manufactured from castings, reinforced to take severe service.

Drill Collar Slips (DCS)

Texas International manufactured Drill Collar Type Slips
T(DCS) grip drill collar pipe with multiple segments and button inserts.

Type “T” Safety Clamps

Texas International Oilfield Tools offers safety clamps for tubing (T) and casing (C). Multipurpose (MP) safety clamps are adjustable to a variety of tubular.

Rotary Slips

SDS, SDML and SDXL Rotary Pipe Slips
are for use in API standard insert bowls.

DU Rotary Slip

The "DU" Rotary slips are designed for long trouble free service.

Type “C” Safety Clamps

Texas International Oilfield Tools (TIOT) offers safety clamps for tubing (T) and casing (C). Multipurpose (MP) safety clamps are adjustable to a variety of tubular.

Multi-Purpose (MP) Safety Clamps

Texas International Oilfield Tools (TIOT) offers safety clamps for tubing (T) and casing (C). Multipurpose (MP) safety clamps are adjustable to a variety of tubular.

For rotary drilling to be successful, you will need to utilize rotary tools like: casing slips, collar slips, oilfield rotary slips and safety clamps, which can all be purchased below. For context, drilling slips are used to support the casing strings’ weight and thin pipe wall by wrapping around the casing string to exert even pressure. Safety clamps are then used in conjunction with the drill slips and are adjustable to a variety of tubular sizes. Browse our selection of rotary tools below! Don’t want new? TI offers used equipment too! Completely refurbished and certified tools.


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A108 Adam Street, New York, NY 535022


+1 5589 55488 55s

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